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amet quam vehicula eleme ntum sed sit amet dui. Cras ultricies ligula sed magna dictum porta. Proin eget tor tor risus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adip.
Our Strategy
Strategy 1
Vestibulum ac diam sit
amet quam vehicula eleme ntum sed sit amet dui. Cras ultricies ligula sed magna dictum porta. Proin eget tor tor risus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adip.
Strategy 2
Vestibulum ac diam sit
amet quam vehicula eleme ntum sed sit amet dui. Cras ultricies ligula sed magna dictum porta. Proin eget tor tor risus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adip.
Strategy 3
Vestibulum ac diam sit
amet quam vehicula eleme ntum sed sit amet dui. Cras ultricies ligula sed magna dictum porta. Proin eget tor tor risus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adip.
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Felis porttitor volutpat.
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Consectetur adipiscing elit.
Praesent sapien massa.
lorem ipsum 54%
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Looking into our numbers
Note 01
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Note 02
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Note 03
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Note 04
Vestibulum ac diam sit amet quam vehicula elementum sed sit amet dui. Cras ultricies ligula sed magna dictum porta. Proin eget tortor risus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ultricies ligula sed magna dictum porta.
Our Finances
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Our Market
Sed porttitor lectus nibh. Nulla portt itor accumsan tincidunt. Cura bitur arcu erat, accumsan id imp erdiet et, porttitor at sem. Pellen tesque in ipsum id orci porta da pibus. Vestibulum ac diam sit amet quam vehicula elementum sed sit amet dui.
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South America
Sed porttitor lectus nibh. Nulla portt itor accumsan tincidunt. Cura bitur arcu erat, accumsan id imp erdiet et, porttitor at sem. Pellen tesque in ipsum id orci porta da pibus. Vestibulum ac diam sit amet quam vehicula elementum sed sit amet dui.
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Rollover each employee
Our Team
Our Team Section
John Smith CEO
Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt. Curabitur arcu erat, accumsan id impe.
John Smith CEO
Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt. Curabitur arcu erat, accumsan id impe.
John Smith CEO
Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt. Curabitur arcu erat, accumsan id impe.
John Smith CEO
Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt. Curabitur arcu erat, accumsan id impe.
John Smith CEO
Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt. Curabitur arcu erat, accumsan id impe.
John Smith CEO
Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt. Curabitur arcu erat, accumsan id impe.
John Smith CEO
Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt. Curabitur arcu erat, accumsan id impe.
John Smith CEO
Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt. Curabitur arcu erat, accumsan id impe.
John Smith CEO
Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt. Curabitur arcu erat, accumsan id impe.
John Smith CEO
Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt. Curabitur arcu erat, accumsan id impe.
Label 01
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Label 02
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Label 03
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Label 04
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Label 05
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Label 06
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John Smith - CEO
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore
Photo Gallery
2nd floor
3rd floor
4th floor
5th floor
6th floor
7th floor
1st floor
Subcellar | 14,100 square feet | 1 opportunity
In addition to the main NYU basketball team court, three NCAA-regulation-sized basketball courts can accommodate a variety of uses, including volleyball and tennis. Each court has a video board and scoreboard at each end zone.
Asking $20,000,000
Courts 1, 2, and 4
COURTS 1, 2, AND 4
Subcellar | 4,700 square feet | 1 opportunity
Court #3 is home to NYU's men's and women's varsity basketball teams. It includes a state of the art sound system, a video board, and scoreboard at each end zone and can accommodate up to 2,000 spectators. The court is branded to represent NYU Athletics and there is a concessions area directly off the court floor to support games and events.
Asking $500,000
Varsity Basketball Court
Subcellar | 7,000 square feet | 1 opportunity
The natatorium has a six-lane lap pool and is branded throughout with NYU violet and white. Users can access men's lockers, women's lockers, two family locker rooms, and a universal locker room directly from the pool deck. The space also includes a lifeguard room, the natatorium director's office, and a large storage room.
Asking $10,000,000
Natatorium (Pool)
Subcellar | 2,900 square feet | 1 opportunity
The wrestling room allows for a full sized, NCAA regulation wrestling mat with space for overflow and a dedicated coaches office. The walls are padded and the space includes a dedicated water fountain.
Asking $200,000
Wrestling/Martial Arts Studio
Subcellar | 400/500 square feet | 9 opportunities
General (2): Can support up to 200 users at a time and provide close access to the pool and gym space.
Coaches (2): Dedicated to coaches with wood lockers and a dedicated wet area for each gender. Each can accommodate 35 coaches.
Officials (2): Located directly off the court floor and each includes nine individual lockers and a dedicated wet area.
Visiting Teams (3): Two rooms accommodate up to 30 athletes, and a third can accommodate up to 45. Each contains wood lockers, a dedicated toilet, and showers. Rooms can be used by NYU's varsity teams when not in use by visitors.
Asking $200,000
Locker Rooms
Subcellar | 800 square feet | 1 opportunity
Users can access two international-sized squash courts with back walls that are glass allowing for exceptional viewing from the adjacent lounge area.
Asking $200,000
Squash Courts
2nd-4th Floors | 500 square feet | 58 opportunities
Designed with flexibility in mind, each room accommodates many modes of teaching up to 22 students with pedagogical flexibility. Flexible furniture allows for a range of classroom configurations, from lectures to in-the-round, and flexible design for classroom modules offers potential for future reconfigurations based on evolving teaching styles. Interactive features include digital displays on two walls and whiteboards on three. Sidelights frame all classroom doors offering borrowed light and a connection to activity outside.
Asking $25,000
2nd, 3rd-7th Floors | 600 square feet | 11 opportunities
Open Study. Brightly lit lounges, nooks, corners, and corridors are found throughout the building providing students with an unprecedented variety of social and academic gathering places. Flexible study spaces meant for small to medium-sized groups or informal individual study. Intended to be near primary circulation paths throughout the building.
Asking $25,000
Corner Nooks
Cellar | 1,700 square feet | 1 opportunity
The sports medicine suite provides taping tables, treatment tables, a hydrotherapy room with a whirlpool, training staff offices, a dedicated restroom, and a medical exam room.
Asking $200,000
Sports Medicine/Rehab Suite
Cellar | 4,800 square feet | 1 opportunity
The two-lane running track is a mondo surface that spans 1/7th of a mile over a single lap. Overrun space on the south and north sides allows room for fitness machines and stretching.
Asking $200,000
Running Track with Stretching Area
Cellar | 2,800 square feet | 1 opportunity
State-of-the-art strength training center supports NYU's 24 varsity athletics teams. It includes 12 olympic racks, free weights, a 15-yard-long plyometric turf strip, cardio machines, and a dedicated strength coach office.
Asking $200,000
Varsity Performance Center/Strength Coach Office
Subcellar | 800 square feet | 1 opportunity
Users can access two international-sized squash courts with back walls that are glass allowing for exceptional viewing from the adjacent lounge area.
Asking $200,000
Squash Courts
Subcellar | 14,100 square feet | 1 opportunity
In addition to the main NYU basketball team court, three NCAA-regulation-sized basketball courts can accommodate a variety of uses, including volleyball and tennis. Each court has a video board and scoreboard at each end zone.
Asking $20,000,000
Courts 1, 2, and 4
COURTS 1, 2, AND 4
Subcellar | 4,700 square feet | 1 opportunity
Court #3 is home to NYU's men's and women's varsity basketball teams. It includes a state of the art sound system, a video board, and scoreboard at each end zone and can accommodate up to 2,000 spectators. The court is branded to represent NYU Athletics and there is a concessions area directly off the court floor to support games and events.
Asking $500,000
Varsity Basketball Court
Cellar | 900 square feet | 1 opportunity
Directly connected to the orchestra lift, this space can be reconfigured to accommodate small and large orchestras by utilizing the flexibility of the orchestra lift to connect to the different theatre levels. The pit provides a direct connection to the stage trap level and chair wagon storage level. Walk-along drapes and demountable acoustic panels maximize the acoustics of the space.
Asking $10,000,000
Orchestra Pit
Cellar | 400 square feet | 11 opportunities
Varsity Men (5): Each room is dedicated to a single team during their respective season and includes individual wood lockers, benches, a white board, and TV monitor for viewing film.
Varsity Women (5): Each room is dedicated to a single team during their respective season and includes individual wood lockers, benches, a white board, and TV monitor for viewing film.
Shared (1): Situated between the men's and women's varsity locker zones is a shared locker room that can be controlled and accessed for use by either gender. Includes 40 wood lockers and is equipped with a white board and monitor.
Asking $200,000
Locker Rooms
Mezzanine | 2,400 square feet | 1 opportunity
The mezzanine level of the Iris Cantor Theatre is easily accessible via stairs or elevator from the south lobby. This level is considered the main audience level of the Cantor Theatre, with the intent that people enter the space with direct views into the performance area.
Asking $500,000
Mezzanine Lobby
Mezzanine | 400 square feet | 1 opportunity
Dedicated control booth for lighting and audio controls behind the rear wall of the parterre. Includes the main projector position. The booth is enclosed for cooling and sound control.
Asking $500,000
Control Booth
1st, 2nd, 3rd Floor | 7,700 square feet | 1 opportunity
The first, professional-level proscenium theater at NYU. It can function as a Broadway-sized stage and fly tower or transform into a music concert hall perfectly sized and tuned to accommodate a wide variety of performances, including musical theater, film, spoken word, drama, and orchestral ensembles. 350 seats over three levels. Features a fly tower and lighting galleries, stage trap, overhead catwalks, orchestra shell and reflectors, canted throat walls adjacent to the proscenium for acoustic projection, followspot booth, and control booth. Three floors of lobby space seamlessly connect to the broader NYU community and theatergoers.
Asking $10,000,000
Proscenium Theatre
1st floor | 1,400 square feet | 1 opportunity
Private entrance. Faculty housing is accessed on the building’s ground floor, through this separate and secure private entrance.
Asking $200,000
Faculty Tower Lobby (Houston Street)
Ground floor | 11,750 square feet | 1 opportunity
Along the building’s west side, Greene Street north of Houston Street has been reimagined as a new pedestrian “greenway” complete with an adjacent community playground. The space provides comfortable space for walking in small groups, ample room for bikes, places to sit and chat with friends, areas for small-scale mobile commerce, a new series of framed city views, and welcoming pedestrian access to landscapes and building entrances along the walkway. Generous seating options.
Asking $200,000
Greene Street Walkway/Promenade
Ground floor | 11,800 square feet | 1 opportunity
A slide, swings, playhouses, and other custom-built wood play equipment are set within the richly planted play area, which is geared toward two- to five-year-olds. Caregivers enjoy generous seating, including custom-designed concrete benches and a circular bench designed by I. M. Pei that has been preserved. The meandering pattern of the rubberized safety surfacing and topographic berms creates a mazelike quality that encourages exploration and discovery. Dense plantings immerse children within the sensory maze. As the seasons change, so will the vibrant colors and layers of materials provided by these plantings, creating constantly evolving play experiences over the course of the year.
Asking $200,000
Toddler Playground
1st floor | 800 square feet | 1 opportunity
The lobby on the west side of the Paulson Center, aside the Greene Street Promenade, offers direct access into the NYU Athletics suite.
Asking $200,000
West Lobby (Greene Street)
1st Floor | 2,500 square feet | 1 opportunity
The dedicated office suite includes a reception area with 20 open work stations, six dedicated offices, and direct access to the NYU Athletics conference room.
Asking $20,000,000
Athletics Office Suite
1st Floor | 3,300 square feet | 1 opportunity
The fencing salle is set up to accommodate three fencing strips for practice and has 60 wood, oversized lockers for the varsity fencers. The room can be subdivided with dedicated monitors and sound systems to allow for simultaneous functions such as group exercise classes, dance classes, or meetings.
Asking $500,000
Multi-Purpose Fencing Salle
1st Floor | 6,500 square feet | 1 opportunity
The main entryway and public welcoming space for the Paulson Center spanning between Greene Street and Mercer Street and running the width of the building along Bleecker Street. The closest link to the rest of the NYU campus and provides direct access to the building’s academic, gather & study, student housing, and athletic and recreational spaces. One of the few gathering spaces in the building with no frit on the floor-to-ceiling windows, providing unobstructed views in and out between the dynamic streetscape and the interior activity. Accessible to all pedestrians.
Asking $500,000
North Lobby (Bleecker Street)
1st floor | 1,500 square feet | 1 opportunity
The Lobby for Performing Arts is at the south-western corner of the Paulson Center, adjacent to the new campus gateway that marks the entrance to the Greene Street walkway. Equity and accessibility was a major design consideration, with each level of each theatre accessible from both the stairs and elevators off this lobby.
Asking $200,000
South Lobby (Houston Street)
1st, 2nd, 3rd Floor | 7,700 square feet | 1 opportunity
The first, professional-level proscenium theater at NYU. It can function as a Broadway-sized stage and fly tower or transform into a music concert hall perfectly sized and tuned to accommodate a wide variety of performances, including musical theater, film, spoken word, drama, and orchestral ensembles. 350 seats over three levels. Features a fly tower and lighting galleries, stage trap, overhead catwalks, orchestra shell and reflectors, canted throat walls adjacent to the proscenium for acoustic projection, followspot booth, and control booth. Three floors of lobby space seamlessly connect to the broader NYU community and theatergoers.
Asking $10,000,000
Proscenium Theatre
1st, 2nd, 4th floors | 400 square feet | 4 opportunities
The dressing rooms are the areas where actors change into costume and prepare before the performance. Each venue has a complement of dressing rooms and
a separate inventory of toilet and shower rooms that maximize utility and sharing accommodations between venues. The dressing rooms are furnished with benches and sinks, as well as space for wardrobe racks and hanging areas.
Rooms 1xx, 283, 463E, and 442B.
Asking $25,000
Large Dressing Room
2nd Floor | 4,500 square feet | 1 opportunity
The central, light-filled, and expansive Commons forms the heart of the building and of student activity and reinforces the building’s openness and accessibility.
The Commons features a café, along with flexible study and gathering places for public performances and events. Spanning Mercer to Greene Street, the Commons is visible on both the east and west facades of the building façade and offers an elevated view of Picasso’s Bust of Sylvette sculpture.
Asking $20,000,000
The Commons
2nd Floor | 900 square feet | 1 opportunity
Strategically located on the second floor, the Commons Café hosts a grab-and-go program with a full-service coffee bar that includes premium barista service, brewed teas, smoothies, and cold-pressed juices enhanced with superfoods. Meal offerings vary for each time of day. A barista is on hand to create a variety of specialty espresso drinks. Dining and casual seating for customers and the NYU community is found directly adjacent to the café in The Commons.
Asking $500,000
Cafe 181
CAFE 181
2nd Floor | 2,000 square feet | 1 opportunity
The balcony level of the Iris Cantor Theatre is easily accessible via stairs or elevator from the south lobby. This is on the same level as the main Commons space in the building.
Asking $200,000
Balcony Lobby
2nd + 3rd Floor | 800 square feet | 2 opportunities
Designed for breakout sessions, brainstorms, collaborations, and meeting spaces for all sized groups, the stacked spaces, located on the second floor are adjacent to the Commons and the third floor beside the Quiet and Collaborative study areas. Glass-walled spaces offer moveable whiteboards and furniture for flexibility.
Rooms 257 and 348.
Asking $200,000
Active & Quiet Group Study
2nd-4th Floors | 500 square feet | 58 opportunities
Designed with flexibility in mind, each room accommodates many modes of teaching up to 22 students with pedagogical flexibility. Flexible furniture allows for a range of classroom configurations, from lectures to in-the-round, and flexible design for classroom modules offers potential for future reconfigurations based on evolving teaching styles. Interactive features include digital displays on two walls and whiteboards on three. Sidelights frame all classroom doors offering borrowed light and a connection to activity outside.
Asking $25,000
2nd-7th Floors | 600 square feet | 11 opportunities
Open Study. Brightly lit lounges, nooks, corners, and corridors are found throughout the building providing students with an unprecedented variety of social and academic gathering places. Flexible study spaces meant for small to medium-sized groups or informal individual study. Intended to be near primary circulation paths throughout the building.
Asking $25,000
Corner Nooks
2nd-7th Floors | 600 square feet | 11 opportunities
Open Study. Brightly lit lounges, nooks, corners, and corridors are found throughout the building providing students with an unprecedented variety of social and academic gathering places. Flexible study spaces meant for small to medium-sized groups or informal individual study. Intended to be near primary circulation paths throughout the building.
Asking $25,000
Corner Nooks
3rd Floor | 600 square feet | 1 opportunity
On the third floor, adjacent to the Quiet Study space are four rooms designed for small collaborations or solo work. Each room has a digital display for sharing laptop screens and accommodates up to four people. A second group of four collaborative spaces, available for residents, is found on the eighth floor in student housing. An updated version of the classic library solo-study carrel.
Includes Rooms 350, 351, 352, and 353.
Asking $20,000,000
Study Lounge (Solo/Collaboration)
3rd Floor | 900 square feet | 1 opportunity
A centrally located, communal study space on the third floor overlooks the Commons through a glass wall. The light filled environment seats up to 70 and allows for quiet, focused work. Large open shared space where students find individually-sized workspaces in a quiet and studious environment.
Asking $500,000
Quiet Commons
3rd Floor | 900 square feet | 1 opportunity
Dedicated shop for graduate students for construction and use of props for rehearsals and productions.
Asking $500,000
Grad Props Construction Shop
2nd + 3rd Floor | 800 square feet | 2 opportunities
Designed for breakout sessions, brainstorms, collaborations, and meeting spaces for all sized groups, the stacked spaces, located on the second floor are adjacent to the Commons and the third floor beside the Quiet and Collaborative study areas. Glass-walled spaces offer moveable whiteboards and furniture for flexibility.
Rooms 257 and 348.
Asking $200,000
Active & Quiet Group Study
2nd-4th Floors | 500 square feet | 58 opportunities
Designed with flexibility in mind, each room accommodates many modes of teaching up to 22 students with pedagogical flexibility. Flexible furniture allows for a range of classroom configurations, from lectures to in-the-round, and flexible design for classroom modules offers potential for future reconfigurations based on evolving teaching styles. Interactive features include digital displays on two walls and whiteboards on three. Sidelights frame all classroom doors offering borrowed light and a connection to activity outside.
Asking $25,000
2nd-7th Floors | 600 square feet | 11 opportunities
Open Study. Brightly lit lounges, nooks, corners, and corridors are found throughout the building providing students with an unprecedented variety of social and academic gathering places. Flexible study spaces meant for small to medium-sized groups or informal individual study. Intended to be near primary circulation paths throughout the building.
Asking $25,000
Corner Nooks
Floor Plans
CLICK ON A FLOOR FOR A DETAILED VIEW OF NAMING OPPORTUNITIES. then hover over plus signs to view rooms or click on plus signs to view room details.
Interactive Floor Plans
One Building. Many Purposes.
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Ribbon Cutting
On December 14, 2022, NYU and NYC leadership joined John Paulson to cut the ribbon for the dedication ceremony of the historic creation of the building at 181 Mercer Street.
first-year residents
square feet of space
new classrooms
faculty apartments
About the Center
Interactive Floor Plans
Floor-By-Floor Animation
Photo Gallery
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John A. Paulson Center
Naming Opportunities
Great cities need great universities, and universities need space to fulfill their academic missions. The Paulson Center is a once-in-a-generation campus building, and its singleness is matched only by the uncommon generosity of John Paulson’s extraordinary gift. We are honored by his support, which fulfills so many crucial needs for NYU now and far into the future.
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1st Floor | 2,900 square feet | 1 opportunity
Full fly tower with manual counterweight rigging system, lighting galleries, and grid iron level. Resilient stage flooring with a demountable trap floor system. Full orchestra shell and overhead reflectors.
Asking $500,000
1st Floor | 1,500 square feet | 1 opportunity
Off the main lobby is a cardio and weight training zone which includes a variety of cardio equipment, circuit training equipment, stretching zones, and free weights.
Asking $500,000
Cardio Weight Training
Multi-Purpose Fencing Salle
Asking $20,000,000
Athletics Conference Room
1st Floor | 400 square feet | 1 opportunity
The conference room includes a dedicated monitor and sound system and can accommodate up to 12 people.
1st, 2nd, 4th floors | 400 square feet | 4 opportunities
The dressing rooms are the areas where actors change into costume and prepare before the performance. Each venue has a complement of dressing rooms and
a separate inventory of toilet and shower rooms that maximize utility and sharing accommodations between venues. The dressing rooms are furnished with benches and sinks, as well as space for wardrobe racks and hanging areas.
Rooms 1xx, 283, 463E, and 442B.
Asking $20,000,000
Dressing Rooms
7th Floor | 800 square feet | 1 opportunity
Work space and high-density storage for music parts and scores.
Asking $10,000,000
Orchestral / Percussion Music Library
2nd-7th Floors | 600 square feet | 11 opportunities
Open Study. Brightly lit lounges, nooks, corners, and corridors are found throughout the building providing students with an unprecedented variety of social and academic gathering places. Flexible study spaces meant for small to medium-sized groups or informal individual study. Intended to be near primary circulation paths throughout the building.
Asking $25,000
Corner Nooks
7th Floor | 70 square feet | 53 opportunities
Reservable rooms used for music practice. These rooms support the Steinhardt music program, as well as the larger NYU community, and are designed with non-parallel walls and acoustic panels to maximize acoustics.
Asking $20,000,000
Music Practice Rooms
7th Floor | 4,500 square feet | 1 opportunity
This floor includes 58 Practice Rooms that support the Steinhardt music program as well as the larger NYU community, and a music library that serves as a resource for all music majors.
Asking $200,000
Library and Practice Suite
7th Floor | 1,400 square feet | 1 opportunity
Outdoor terrace. Faculty residents have a private outdoor terrace accessible from a common amenity space.
Asking $200,000
Faculty Tower Terrace
2nd-7th Floors | 600 square feet | 11 opportunities
Open Study. Brightly lit lounges, nooks, corners, and corridors are found throughout the building providing students with an unprecedented variety of social and academic gathering places. Flexible study spaces meant for small to medium-sized groups or informal individual study. Intended to be near primary circulation paths throughout the building.
Asking $25,000
Corner Nooks
4th floor | 4,000 square feet | 1 opportunity
This unique, experimental theatre provides a flexible space for Tisch graduate students to explore and innovate. It features 140 seats; use of a Modtruss system to create the inner box, which is a fully demountable wall system made up of modular, reconfigurable elements; an overhead catwalk system with moveable catwalk trolley; and, fully reconfigurable seating platforms. This flexible working theatre has the ability to transform with different productions, while maintaining architectural character
Asking $200,000
Theatre (C) Warehouse Space
4th Floor | 400 square feet | 1 opportunity
Consolidated office suite for graduate department administrative personnel associated with the two theatres and the production shop spaces.
Asking $200,000
Grad Administrative Suite
4th Floor | 17,500 square feet | 1 opportunity
A suite of state-of-the-art performance and support spaces dedicated to teaching graduate students and providing a variety of realistic experiences with different industry-wide technologies. Notably, the Paulson Center provides double-height theatre instructional spaces for the university in the African Grove End-Stage Theatre and the Warehouse-style Theatre C. Each theatre is designed as an instructional tool, giving students the opportunity to learn how different theatres require different technical and performance skills. The theatres are connected via a complement of administrative offices, set construction shops, and dressing rooms.
Asking $200,000
Graduate Theatre Suite
4th Floor | 3,300 square feet | 1 opportunity
This traditional end-stage theater features a range of flexible components that support the Tisch graduate department curriculum, including: 145 seats; a flexible seating well that provides opportunities for innovative performances; motorized rigging on the stage side with dead-hung, fixed rigging on the audience side; and, movable gantry. This space is primarily conceived as an end-stage configuration room that can be adapted to traditional and experimental works requiring a flexible proscenium arrangement.
Asking $20,000,000
Raked Seating/Stage Theatre
4th Floor | 600 square feet | 1 opportunity
Dedicated graduate student shop for painting of sets and props for production.
Asking $200,000
Graduate Paint Shop
4th Floor | 1,700 square feet | 1 opportunity
Dedicated graduate student shop for the construction and assembly of stage sets for productions.
Asking $20,000,000
Graduate Wood Construction Shop
1st Floor | 2,500 square feet | 1 opportunity
The dedicated office suite includes a reception area with 20 open work stations, six dedicated offices, and direct access to the NYU Athletics conference room.
Asking $20,000,000
Athletics Office Suite
1st Floor | 3,300 square feet | 1 opportunity
The fencing salle is set up to accommodate three fencing strips for practice and has 60 wood, oversized lockers for the varsity fencers. The room can be subdivided with dedicated monitors and sound systems to allow for simultaneous functions such as group exercise classes, dance classes, or meetings.
Asking $500,000
Multi-Purpose Fencing Salle
Multi-Purpose Fencing Salle
1st Floor | 1,500 square feet | 1 opportunity
Off the main lobby is a cardio and weight training zone which includes a variety of cardio equipment, circuit training equipment, stretching zones and free weights.
Asking $500,000
Cardio Weight Training
1st Floor | 6,500 square feet | 1 opportunity
The main entryway and public welcoming space for the Paulson Center spanning between Greene Street and Mercer Street and running the width of the building along Bleecker Street. The closest link to the rest of the NYU campus and provides direct access to the building’s academic, gather & study, student housing, and athletic and recreational spaces. One of the few gathering spaces in the building with no frit on the floor-to-ceiling windows, providing unobstructed views in and out between the dynamic streetscape and the interior activity. Accessible to all pedestrians.
Asking $500,000
North Lobby (Bleecker Street)
4th Floor | 700 square feet | 1 opportunity
Shared space between the Tisch undergraduate and graduate departments. Intended for metal fabrication at multiple scales.
Asking $500,000
Metal Construction
1st, 2nd, 4th floors | 400 square feet | 4 opportunities
The dressing rooms are the areas where actors change into costume and prepare before the performance.
Each venue has a complement of dressing rooms and
a separate inventory of toilet and shower rooms that maximize utility and sharing accommodations between venues. The dressing rooms are furnished with benches and sinks, as well as space for wardrobe racks and hanging areas.
Rooms 1xx, 283, 463E, and 442B.
Asking $200,000
Dressing Rooms
2nd-7th Floors | 600 square feet | 11 opportunities
Open Study. Brightly lit lounges, nooks, corners, and corridors are found throughout the building providing students with an unprecedented variety of social and academic gathering places. Flexible study spaces meant for small to medium-sized groups or informal individual study. Intended to be near primary circulation paths throughout the building.
Asking $25,000
Corner Nooks
2nd-4th Floors | 500 square feet | 58 opportunities
Designed with flexibility in mind, each room accommodates many modes of teaching up to 22 students with pedagogical flexibility. Flexible furniture allows for a range of classroom configurations, from lectures to in-the-round, and flexible design for classroom modules offers potential for future reconfigurations based on evolving teaching styles. Interactive features include digital displays on two walls and whiteboards on three. Sidelights frame all classroom doors offering borrowed light and a connection to activity outside.
Asking $25,000
2nd-7th Floors | 600 square feet | 11 opportunities
Open Study. Brightly lit lounges, nooks, corners, and corridors are found throughout the building providing students with an unprecedented variety of social and academic gathering places. Flexible study spaces meant for small to medium-sized groups or informal individual study. Intended to be near primary circulation paths throughout the building.
Asking $25,000
Corner Nooks
1st Floor | 2,500 square feet | 1 opportunity
The dedicated office suite includes a reception area with 20 open work stations, six dedicated offices, and direct access to the NYU Athletics conference room.
Asking $20,000,000
Athletics Office Suite
1st Floor | 3,300 square feet | 1 opportunity
The fencing salle is set up to accommodate three fencing strips for practice and has 60 wood, oversized lockers for the varsity fencers. The room can be subdivided with dedicated monitors and sound systems to allow for simultaneous functions such as group exercise classes, dance classes, or meetings.
Asking $500,000
Multi-Purpose Fencing Salle
Multi-Purpose Fencing Salle
1st Floor | 1,500 square feet | 1 opportunity
Off the main lobby is a cardio and weight training zone which includes a variety of cardio equipment, circuit training equipment, stretching zones and free weights.
Asking $500,000
Cardio Weight Training
1st Floor | 6,500 square feet | 1 opportunity
The main entryway and public welcoming space for the Paulson Center spanning between Greene Street and Mercer Street and running the width of the building along Bleecker Street. The closest link to the rest of the NYU campus and provides direct access to the building’s academic, gather & study, student housing, and athletic and recreational spaces. One of the few gathering spaces in the building with no frit on the floor-to-ceiling windows, providing unobstructed views in and out between the dynamic streetscape and the interior activity. Accessible to all pedestrians.
Asking $500,000
North Lobby (Bleecker Street)
7th Floor | 3,300 square feet | 1 opportunity
This traditional end-stage theater features a range of flexible components that support the Tisch graduate department curriculum, including: 145 seats; a flexible seating well that provides opportunities for innovative performances; motorized rigging on the stage side with dead-hung, fixed rigging on the audience side; and, movable gantry. Conceived as primarily an end-stage configuration room that can be adapted to both traditional and experimental works that require a flexible proscenium arrangement.
Asking $20,000,000
Raked Seating/Stage Theatre
5th Floor | 1,200 square feet | 1 opportunity
Group general music instruction and rehearsal space, as well as jury rooms. It can also be used for recitals and performances, with an integrated performance lighting system. The room is equipped with a full AV system for vocal amplification, music playback, recording, and digital video presentation connected to the Ensemble Rehearsal Room Recording Control Suite and designed with non-parallel walls, acoustic panels, 15' ceiling height, and walk-along drapes that can be stored to maximize acoustics. In the jury condition, a stage area will be designated on one side of the room through the use of curtain legs.
Asking $200,000
Large Ensemble Classroom
7th floor | 400 square feet | 1 opportunity
Consolidated office suite for graduate department administrative personnel associated with the two theatres and the production shop spaces.
Asking $200,000
Grad Administrative Suite
5th Floor | 100 square feet | 3 opportunities
Percussion practice for 1-2 students and instructors. Designed with non-parallel walls, thicker acoustic panels, and a 12' ceiling height to maximize acoustics. AV systems for recording and music playback.
Asking $20,000,000
Small Percussion Practice Rooms
5th Floor | 14,800 square feet | 1 opportunity
A suite of eight flexible multi-purpose rooms that can accommodate a wide range of teaching activities designed to facilitate the preparation and rehearsal of movement-based activities, such as acting, dance, combat, cabaret, and ballet. The suite includes support spaces such as an administrator's office, changing rooms, and storage for each studio.
Asking $200,000
Acting Studio Suite
5th Floor | 400 square feet | 2 opportunities
Group ensemble rehearsal and instructional spaces. Articulated acoustic environments in which instrument attacks and releases are clearly heard and easily rehearsed. AV systems for vocal amplification, music playback, recording, and digital video presentation. Designed with non-parallel walls, acoustic panels, and 14' ceiling height to maximize acoustics.
Asking $500,000
Medium Ensemble Classrooms
5th Floor | 900 square feet | 1 opportunity
Percussion instruction and group ensemble rehearsal for up to 20 musicians. Can also be used for recitals and performances, with integrated performance lighting system. Full AV system for vocal amplification, music playback, recording, and digital video presentation connected to the Ensemble Rehearsal Room Recording Control Suite. Designed with non-parallel walls, acoustic panels, and 20' ceiling height to maximize acoustics.
Asking $200,000
Large Percussion Ensemble Studio
5th Floor | 1,000-2,000 square feet | 8 opportunities
Flexible multi-purpose room that can accommodate a wide range of teaching activities and performances. The performance type anticipated is cabaret, however other small performances are easily accommodated, such as stage readings, drama, and smaller ensemble works. These rooms have high 14' ceilings with full pipe grid for theatrical lighting and rigging, and resilient flooring. Studio A includes aerialist steel for acrobatic work. Performance Use: pipe grid, dedicated lighting, curtain drape. Acoustic absorption for reduced reverberation to prevent muddiness of speech. AV system for vocal amplification, music playback, recording, and digital video presentation.
Rooms 500, 502, 504, 520, 521, 561, 563, and 565.
Asking $200,000
Acting Studio Classrooms
2nd-7th Floors | 600 square feet | 11 opportunities
Open Study. Brightly lit lounges, nooks, corners, and corridors are found throughout the building providing students with an unprecedented variety of social and academic gathering places. Flexible study spaces meant for small to medium-sized groups or informal individual study. Intended to be near primary circulation paths throughout the building.
Asking $25,000
Corner Nooks
2nd-4th Floors | 500 square feet | 58 opportunities
Designed with flexibility in mind, each room accommodates many modes of teaching up to 22 students with pedagogical flexibility. Flexible furniture allows for a range of classroom configurations, from lectures to in-the-round, and flexible design for classroom modules offers potential for future reconfigurations based on evolving teaching styles. Interactive features include digital displays on two walls and whiteboards on three. Sidelights frame all classroom doors offering borrowed light and a connection to activity outside.
Asking $25,000
2nd-7th Floors | 600 square feet | 11 opportunities
Open Study. Brightly lit lounges, nooks, corners, and corridors are found throughout the building providing students with an unprecedented variety of social and academic gathering places. Flexible study spaces meant for small to medium-sized groups or informal individual study. Intended to be near primary circulation paths throughout the building.
Asking $25,000
Corner Nooks
5th Floor | 150 square feet | 2 opportunities
Percussion practice for 3-4 students and instructors. Designed with non-parallel walls, thicker acoustic panels, and a 12' ceiling height to maximize acoustics. AV systems for recording and music playback.
Rooms 573 and 575.
Asking $200,000
Large Percussion Practice Rooms
Detailed Animation Slides
1st Floor | 2,500 square feet | 1 opportunity
The dedicated office suite includes a reception area with 20 open work stations, six dedicated offices, and direct access to the NYU Athletics conference room.
Asking $20,000,000
Athletics Office Suite
1st Floor | 3,300 square feet | 1 opportunity
The fencing salle is set up to accommodate three fencing strips for practice and has 60 wood, oversized lockers for the varsity fencers. The room can be subdivided with dedicated monitors and sound systems to allow for simultaneous functions such as group exercise classes, dance classes, or meetings.
Asking $500,000
Multi-Purpose Fencing Salle
Multi-Purpose Fencing Salle
1st Floor | 1,500 square feet | 1 opportunity
Off the main lobby is a cardio and weight training zone which includes a variety of cardio equipment, circuit training equipment, stretching zones and free weights.
Asking $500,000
Cardio Weight Training
1st Floor | 6,500 square feet | 1 opportunity
The main entryway and public welcoming space for the Paulson Center spanning between Greene Street and Mercer Street and running the width of the building along Bleecker Street. The closest link to the rest of the NYU campus and provides direct access to the building’s academic, gather & study, student housing, and athletic and recreational spaces. One of the few gathering spaces in the building with no frit on the floor-to-ceiling windows, providing unobstructed views in and out between the dynamic streetscape and the interior activity. Accessible to all pedestrians.
Asking $500,000
North Lobby (Bleecker Street)
6th Floor | 8,900 square feet | 1 opportunity
A suite of spaces focused around the Ensemble Rehearsal room. The suite is situated at the top of the Podium to provide opportunities public access, views, and connection.
Asking $20,000,000
Orchestral Suite
6th Floor | 400 square feet | 4 opportunities
Two open general rooms used for coaching and practice and two large group rooms that are connected to the AV recording suite and have the capability for recitals. The rooms have articulated acoustic environments in which instrument attacks and releases are clearly heard and easily rehearsed. There are AV systems for vocal amplification, music playback, recording, and digital video presentation. The rooms are designed with non-parallel walls, acoustic panels, and a 11-12' ceiling height to maximize acoustics. They also include walk-along drapes that can be stored to maximize acoustics.
Rooms 623, 624, 645, and 668.
Asking $200,000
Group Instruction Rooms
6th Floor | 150 square feet | 14 opportunities
Primarily used for applied instrumental coaching. Designed with non-parallel walls, acoustic panels, and 11' ceiling height to maximize acoustics.
Rooms 640, 641, 642, 643, 644, 660, 662, 664, 666, 667, 680, 681, and 682.
Asking $200,000
Individual Instruction Rooms
6th Floor | 400 square feet | 1 opportunity
The recording control room will be primarily used for live and post audio mixing. The acoustic finishes are critical to the performance of the room, and include multiple sources of wall and ceiling diffusion, including bass absorption traps. The space has an AV system for professional-level multitrack audio recording, and is connected to the different venues in the building.
Asking $20,000,000
Orchestra AV Recording Suite (Room 620C)
4th Floor | 7,500 square feet | 1 opportunity
Soaring above Bleecker Street, with full views of midtown and upper Manhattan, the space occupies the entire north-side with expansive views to the east and west. The terrace enjoys natural light throughout the day and sustainable zen benches weave throughout the space and frame the surrounding shrubs and greenery. The serene outdoor space, which is situated next to the popular Crave NYU Café and abuts the interior sky lobby, serves as a tranquil transition between the learning spaces on the floors below and the residence hall floors above. The most prominent of a series of green roofs and outdoor terraces that naturally cool the Paulson Center and its surrounding landscape, it also helps to manage rainwater runoff.
Asking $200,000
Bleecker Street Terrace & Green Roof
6th Floor | 150 square feet | 1 opportunity
Practice room in tandem with the Harp Instruction Room. Designed with non-parallel walls, acoustic panels, and a 10' ceiling height to maximize acoustics.
Asking $500,000
Harp Practice Room (Room 663)
6th floor | 200 square feet | 1 opportunity
Used as a instructional and work space for making double reeds, this space was designed with non-parallel walls, acoustic panels, and a 10 ft ceiling height to maximize acoustics.
Asking $200,000
Double Reed Instruction Room (Room 683)
6th floor | 200 square feet | 1 opportunity
Focus on double bass instruction. AV systems for recording and music playback. Designed with non-parallel walls, acoustic panels, and 11 ft ceiling height to maximize acoustics
Asking $200,000
Double Bass Instruction Room (Room 665)
2nd-7th Floors | 600 square feet | 11 opportunities
Open Study. Brightly lit lounges, nooks, corners, and corridors are found throughout the building providing students with an unprecedented variety of social and academic gathering places. Flexible study spaces meant for small to medium-sized groups or informal individual study. Intended to be near primary circulation paths throughout the building.
Asking $25,000
Corner Nooks
6th Floor | 1,400 square feet | 1 opportunity
Located at the entry to the student housing tower, this fast casual restaurant is designed to handle remote ordering, pre-pay, & pick up and emphasizes a cooked-to-order menu for easy transport to adjacent seating, outdoor terrace, or up to the dorm rooms. The restaurant is supported by a full production kitchen and offers quick service to students using classrooms, study areas, and performing arts spaces.
Asking $25,000
Crave NYU Cafe (Room 600CC)
6th Floor | 3,000 square feet | 1 opportunity
Designed as an intersection between the public academic realm and the private student housing realm, the Sky Lobby serves as a hub for both student residents and the greater NYU community.
Asking $25,000
Sky Lobby (Room 600LO)
1st Floor | 2,500 square feet | 1 opportunity
The dedicated office suite includes a reception area with 20 open work stations, six dedicated offices, and direct access to the NYU Athletics conference room.
Asking $20,000,000
Athletics Office Suite
1st Floor | 3,300 square feet | 1 opportunity
The fencing salle is set up to accommodate three fencing strips for practice and has 60 wood, oversized lockers for the varsity fencers. The room can be subdivided with dedicated monitors and sound systems to allow for simultaneous functions such as group exercise classes, dance classes, or meetings.
Asking $500,000
Multi-Purpose Fencing Salle
Multi-Purpose Fencing Salle
1st Floor | 1,500 square feet | 1 opportunity
Off the main lobby is a cardio and weight training zone which includes a variety of cardio equipment, circuit training equipment, stretching zones and free weights.
Asking $500,000
Cardio Weight Training
1st Floor | 6,500 square feet | 1 opportunity
The main entryway and public welcoming space for the Paulson Center spanning between Greene Street and Mercer Street and running the width of the building along Bleecker Street. The closest link to the rest of the NYU campus and provides direct access to the building’s academic, gather & study, student housing, and athletic and recreational spaces. One of the few gathering spaces in the building with no frit on the floor-to-ceiling windows, providing unobstructed views in and out between the dynamic streetscape and the interior activity. Accessible to all pedestrians.
Asking $500,000
North Lobby (Bleecker Street)
4th Floor | 3,300 square feet | 1 opportunity
This traditional end-stage theater features a range of flexible components that support the Tisch graduate department curriculum, including: 145 seats; a flexible seating well that provides opportunities for innovative performances; motorized rigging on the stage side with dead-hung, fixed rigging on the audience side; and, movable gantry. Conceived as primarily an end-stage configuration room that can be adapted to both traditional and experimental works that require a flexible proscenium arrangement.
Asking $20,000,000
Raked Seating/Stage Theatre
4th Floor | 600 square feet | 1 opportunity
Dedicated graduate student shop for painting of sets and props for production.
Asking $200,000
Graduate Paint Shop
4th Floor | 400 square feet | 1 opportunity
Consolidated office suite for graduate department administrative personnel associated with the two theatres and the production shop spaces.
Asking $200,000
Grad Administrative Suite
4th Floor | 1,700 square feet | 1 opportunity
Dedicated graduate student shop for the construction and assembly of stage sets for productions.
Asking $20,000,000
Graduate Wood Construction Shop
4th Floor | 17,500 square feet | 1 opportunity
A suite of state-of-the-art performance and support spaces dedicated to teaching graduate students and providing a variety of realistic experiences with different industry-wide technologies. Notably, the Paulson Center provides double-height theatre instructional spaces for the university in the African Grove End-Stage Theatre and the Warehouse-style Theatre C. Each theatre is designed as an instructional tool, giving students the opportunity to learn how different theatres require different technical and performance skills. The theatres are connected via a complement of administrative offices, set construction shops, and dressing rooms.
Asking $200,000
Graduate Theatre Suite
4th Floor | 700 square feet | 1 opportunity
Shared space between the Tisch undergraduate and graduate departments. Intended for metal fabrication at multiple scales.
Asking $500,000
Metal Construction
4th floor | 4,000 square feet | 1 opportunity
This unique, experimental theater provides a flexible space for Tisch graduate students to explore and innovate. It features 140 seats; use of a Modtruss system to create the inner box, which is a fully demountable wall system made up of modular, reconfigurable elements; an overhead catwalk system with moveable catwalk trolley; and, fully reconfigurable seating platforms. This flexible working theater that has the ability to transform with different productions, while maintaining architectural character.
Asking $200,000
Theatre (C) Warehouse Space
1st, 2nd, 4th floors | 400 square feet | 4 opportunities
The dressing rooms are the areas where actors change into costume and prepare before the performance.
Each venue has a complement of dressing rooms and
a separate inventory of toilet and shower rooms that maximize utility and sharing accommodations between venues. The dressing rooms are furnished with benches and sinks, as well as space for wardrobe racks and hanging areas.
Rooms 1xx, 283, 463E, and 442B.
Asking $200,000
Dressing Rooms
2nd-7th Floors | 600 square feet | 11 opportunities
Open Study. Brightly lit lounges, nooks, corners, and corridors are found throughout the building providing students with an unprecedented variety of social and academic gathering places. Flexible study spaces meant for small to medium-sized groups or informal individual study. Intended to be near primary circulation paths throughout the building.
Asking $25,000
Corner Nooks
2nd-4th Floors | 500 square feet | 58 opportunities
Designed with flexibility in mind, each room accommodates many modes of teaching up to 22 students with pedagogical flexibility. Flexible furniture allows for a range of classroom configurations, from lectures to in-the-round, and flexible design for classroom modules offers potential for future reconfigurations based on evolving teaching styles. Interactive features include digital displays on two walls and whiteboards on three. Sidelights frame all classroom doors offering borrowed light and a connection to activity outside.
Asking $25,000
2nd-7th Floors | 600 square feet | 11 opportunities
Open Study. Brightly lit lounges, nooks, corners, and corridors are found throughout the building providing students with an unprecedented variety of social and academic gathering places. Flexible study spaces meant for small to medium-sized groups or informal individual study. Intended to be near primary circulation paths throughout the building.
Asking $25,000
Corner Nooks
2nd-7th Floors | 600 square feet | 11 opportunities
Open Study. Brightly lit lounges, nooks, corners, and corridors are found throughout the building providing students with an unprecedented variety of social and academic gathering places. Flexible study spaces meant for small to medium-sized groups or informal individual study. Intended to be near primary circulation paths throughout the building.
Asking $25,000
Corner Nooks
6th Floor | 300 square feet | 1 opportunity
Focus on harp instruction. AV systems for recording and music playback. Designed with non-parallel walls, acoustic panels, and an 11' ceiling height to maximize acoustics.
Asking $500,000
Harp Instruction Room (Room 661)
6th floor | 2,900 square feet | 1 opportunity
The technologically innovative space is the crown jewel of the Steinhardt School of Music program and features a double-glazed wall providing visual connection to the exterior while acoustically separating the spaces from the noisy outside environment; slatted, faceted walls, acoustic ceiling reflectors and overhead absorptive panels to help control the acoustic quality in the space; acoustic banners along the perimeter of the space to absorb and create different types of acoustic environments; and, an adjacent control booth that can serve as a recording studio. The room sits between two green roofs.
Asking $200,000
Orchestra Hall (Room 620)